
鄒族達邦戰祭 Mayasvi (Ritual of War) in Tapangu




Tsou people are indigenous people of Taiwan. Mayasvi is one of the two most important ritual and is dedicated to Iafafeoi, God of War.

The voices are strongly embodied. The dance is quite a simple movement, a kind of collective spiral, which is supporting the energy of music. These songs are spread from the front of Kuba towards the sky, just above, where Iafafeoi is staying. They are also bouncing between the mountains. Raindrops and insects are transforming the calm of the night into a flow of sound particles and the voices of the people of Tapangu are echoing behind, like a curtain surrounding the village.

Recorded in Tapangu, Alishan area, on the 16th February 2010.

2 則留言:

  1. Thank you for collecting and sharing these beautiful sounds. 當我想念家的時候便總會來這裡聆聽島嶼的聲音。謝謝你們:) Great work!
    Love and best wishes,
