
插播:布袋聲音工作坊 Workshop in Budai


聲音工作坊 2009. 08. 27 (週四)—嘉義縣2009北回歸線環境藝術行動


by Yannick Dauby & 許雁婷 (嘉義聲音計畫)



1.     聲音探索:繪製聲音地圖/聲音書寫/盲行


2.     分享討論嘉義縣/布袋之聲


3.     田野錄音介紹




"Listening Places"

Yannick Dauby  & Hsu Yen-Ting (Chiayi Sound Project)

The aim of this meeting is to introduce some concepts and practices about Field Recording.

What sounds are provided by a place? How to listen to a place? What are the different ways of listening?

To answer these very basic questions, we will spend one day on three different kinds of activities.

- The first step would be the most accessible but maybe also the rarest : how to engage a relationship with an environment by listening. We'll ask the participants to choose an area, it can be the border of a road, a temple, or a garden, or any other place. Then we'll make some individual and collective exercises of listening: mapping the soundscape, writing the list of sound events, blind soundwalks, etc. Those experiments will help the participants focusing on hearing and listening.

- The second step will be a presentation of the sounds which has been recorded during the Chiayi Sound Project. This is an example of how a region can be explored by the listening. 

The third part is a presentation of the daily practices of field recording.

It will be a basic introduction to the audio technologies of sound recording (using microphones, recorders, cleaning, editing and preparing the sounds for different projects)

During those activities, some concepts and theoretical aspects of the practice of sound will be introduced.

(ps : participants are asked to bring notebook and pens, if they have some audio recorders with microphones/headphones, they can also bring them!)

1 則留言:

  1. 布袋聲音工作坊進行情況請見:http://blog.roodo.com/catc2009/archives/9863427.html
