Chiayi Sound Project initiated from 2008. It mainly focuses on field recording in southern Taiwan - Chiayi, the recording topics include oral history, nature environment, folk music, industry, religion and local events. Any idea or discussion is highly welcomed.
部落格中所有聲音、文字和影像由許雁婷與澎葉生撰寫、拍攝、錄音,內容採用創用CC條款授權(NC BY ND)。
All sounds, texts, and images on this blog by Yen-Ting Hsu and Yannick Dauby, published under Creative Commons License (NC BY ND).
注意!強烈建議用音質較好的耳機或外接喇叭聆聽部落格裡的田野錄音!否則遺漏很多細節可是很可惜的喔。For listening field recordings on the blog, we highly recommend you to use headphones or loudspeakers with good quality.